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Desert Living Home Tour

The Shipeks will take you on a guided tour of their property, including extensive rain garden and stormwater harvesting basins, native plant cooling strategies, and food production, on their 1 acre property near the Rillito River.  

Learn how they capture rainwater and stormwater onsite, benefiting native shade trees, habitat, and native edible plants while recharging the aquifer. Their home is retrofitted with 8,700 gallons of rainwater storage that provides water for their vegetable garden, fruit trees, and chickens, while also providing drinking water. 

See other sustainable living features include an outdoor shower; laundry and sink greywater supporting fruit trees; chicken coop, zero waste strategies, and a composting toilet. 

Together, these systems reduce the Shipek’s city water demand to less than 12 gallons per person per day, allowing them to live hydro-local, grow food, and grow shade.  

We encourage taking the bus or biking to this event! Their home is located near Bus Route 17 as well as the Loop bike path.


Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Tucson, AZ


Cool Tucson 5