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llustration by Adela Antoinette

Edible Baja Arizona


My husband and I bought a home in May and we were thrilled the house was already outfitted with gutters and a 1,300-gallon rainwater harvesting tank. When we moved in, the tank sat full of water, while the desert-adapted vegetation in the... Read more

Videographer Sandra Westdahl, journalist Christopher Conover and Cultural Ecologist Joaquin Murrieta-Saldivar.

Arizona Public Media


Journalist Christopher Conover and videographer Sandra Westdahl from Arizona Public Media visited WMG's headquarters to talk water conservation with Cultural Ecologist Joaquin Murrieta-Saldivar. The interviews were part of a larger segment... Read more

Sabino Creek

Meow Magazine


To most who have made this region of the world their home, it’s difficult to ignore our biological reliance upon water. We must be more conscious than most about keeping our landscape, pets, and selves hydrated. But what is surprising is how... Read more

Local resident checks his greywater system. Photo by Mike Christy, Arizona Daily Star

Arizona Daily Star


If around two daily showers are taken at your house, you can grow a citrus tree.

Or, depending on how old your washing machine is, you can have a citrus tree if you wash between three to nine loads a week.

That’s how much water... Read more

Sabino Creek

Arizona Daily Star


To find water in our dry desert, we recommend taking a hike. 

Despite our surroundings, Tucson has a few oases nestled at the end of long, dusty hikes. Sometimes, you'll even find water — especially if you go before it gets too hot. ... Read more

Rain to Table. Illustration by Adela Antoinette

Edible Baja Arizona


by Lisa Shipek, WMG Executive Director

Installing a rain garden should be a rite of passage for living in the Sonoran Desert. When you do, you’ll transition from a city dweller to a desert dweller taking part in the intricate web of... Read more

Edible Shade poster



The Watershed Management Group hosts its spring Edible Shade mesquite pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 26, from 9 am – 12 pm at its Living Lab and Learning Center, 1137 Dodge Boulevard. Toppings for the pancakes include locally produced... Read more

Rain to Table. Illustration by Adela Antoinette

Edible Baja Arizona


by Lisa Shipek, WMG Executive Director

As foodies, we want fresh, local food that is produced as part of a food system that cares both for people and the planet. But do we hold the same standard for the water that comes out of our tap?... Read more

Tucson Weekly Craft Beer story

Tucson Weekly


Proceeds from the crawl go to Watershed Management Group, which has partnered with the event the past three years.

"The event is really aimed at supporting the brewing industry in town and growing that industry," Reese said. "I feel that... Read more

Student walking through a flowing Tucson River

Zocalo Magazine


Q & A with Lisa Shipek of Watershed Management Group

A portion of the proceeds of the Tucson Craft Beer Crawl will benefit Watershed Management Group, a non-profit organization working towards a goal of restoring flow to Tucson’s... Read more

David Stevenson's winter veggies, watered by the rain.

Arizona Daily Star


Since September, David Stevenson has been getting the smallest Tucson Water bill possible.

He currently pays the $12.67 monthly service fee and the $14.71 Pima County sewer fee for a grand total of $27.38.

He doesn’t pay for any... Read more

Photo by Michaela Webb/Arizona Sonora News

Arizona Sonora News


We Americans flush an average of 10 gallons of drinkable water down the toilet every day. That’s 3,650 gallons per person per year.

In Tucson, a year of flushing sends the equivalent of enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for... Read more

Water love



This week’s episode follows up on last week’s interview with Aaron Baumann of the Watershed Management Group. WMG proposes that our area’s water supply can be made independent of the Colorado River by increased efficiency of rainwater... Read more

US Watersheds



Watershed Management Group is a Tucson-based grassroots organization promoting a sustainable environment in and around Tucson and the Northern Sonora. As sustainability begins with a sustainable water supply, a primary objective if WMG is to... Read more

Kathy Marron hosting on WMG's Homescape Harvest Tour.

Arizona Daily Star


Kathleen and Mike Marron were new Tucsonans about a year ago when they bought their small north-side home.

“I’d never gardened in the desert before,” says Kathleen, an Ohio transplant who originally wanted to turn her pea-gravel-covered... Read more

The Desert Leaf, June 2016 - Harvesting the Rain

The Desert Leaf


According to Brad Lancaster's calculations, "Tucson's average rainfall actually exceeds our current municipal water use." And, despite an increase in public interest surrounding the potential of a water source that quite literally falls from the... Read more

Staff and interns at WMG’s Living Lab enjoy rainwater on tap.

Natural Awakenings


There’s a hip, new environmental buzzword on the scene: hydro-regionalism—and Watershed Management Group (WMG) is leading the way. This local nonprofit organization works to engage people in water harvesting projects and policy initiatives that... Read more

Lisa Shipek



This week we talk with another Southern Arizona environmental nonprofit, the Watershed Management Group, which is led under the direction of Lisa Shipek as Executive Director. This is a jam packed episode because Watershed Management Group is... Read more

Karilyn Roach shows off the 10,000 gallon underground cistern. Photo: Mamta Popat

Arizona Daily Star


At first glance, it seems the Watershed Management Group’s headquarters doesn’t have many displays of sustainable living projects.

Its Living Lab seems to consist of a couple of small cisterns next to outbuildings and solar panels... Read more



You wouldn’t know it by the sound or look, but the home of Frances Peake and Louis Powell is in the middle of the desert.

Their central Phoenix home is alive with fountains, animals and lush vegetation. But it wasn’t always that way. When... Read more
