Home > CiviCRM > Cool Tucson 5 Degrees: What is the Role of Sustainable Mobility? [Virtual]

Cool Tucson 5 Degrees: What is the Role of Sustainable Mobility? [Virtual]

Tucson is now 11 degrees warmer on average than it was 100 years ago, with half of that warming attributed to our built environment. This event will inspire you to take part in the solution, helping to cool our city by taking part in sustainable choices in mobility.

Cool Tucson 5 Degrees: What is the Role of Sustainable Mobility?

Join us for an insightful virtual presentation on Thursday, September 26th, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, where we’ll explore the crucial role sustainable mobility plays in cooling our city by 5 degrees. As part of our fall Sustainable Mobility series, this one-hour session, led by WMG co-founder Catlow Shipek, will dive into the strategies and actions that can help Tucson become a more climate-resilient and cooler city.

Gain valuable insights from Catlow on the intersection of sustainable mobility and urban cooling, with a focus on how we can shift Tucson to a sustainable mobility framework that centers equity, watershed health, and people’s health in our transportation and land-use practices.

Tucson is now 11 degrees warmer on average than it was 100 years ago, with half of that warming attributed to our built environment. This event will inspire you to take part in the solution, helping to cool our city by taking part in sustainable choices in mobility.

September 26th, 2024 from 12:00 pm to  1:00 pm