October 12, 2023WMG, with support from you, our River Run Network Members, has been advocating for the release of beavers along Cienega Creek since 2019. Now, the final Environmental Assessment (EA) was released for the proposed plan to release beavers along Cienega Creek! This Final EA supports what we were hoping for, Alternative A. This would re-establish beavers in Ciénega Creek, with the option to also use Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs). We are very hopeful about the progression of this project and will keep you updated on next steps and WMG's role in helping move the project forward. You can see the full Environmental Assessment here,
This is exciting news and the next step in the process to seeing beavers released! When the EA was first released, the public comment period allowed for the community to make comments and send in their thoughts on what the community would like to see happen. There were three alternatives in the draft EA, and in the final EA the offical proposed plan will hopefully move into action is Alternative A.
Alternative A, would re-establish beavers in Ciénega Creek, with the option to also use Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs) – low-impact, natural structures made from materials like wooden posts that mimic the natural activities of beaver dams, helping to support beavers when they're first released.
Yahoo, this is exactly what we were hoping for! Now What?
There is still a decision to be made. Now that a proposed action has been presented, the plan moves to the next step, where an Authorized Officer decides whether to allow the plan to move forward. Another piece of great news is that the EA was found to not have any significant impact on the quality of the human environment and will not require an Environmental Impact Assessment, which means that the decision to move forward with the project could be in our near future!
We are very hopeful about the progression of this project and look forward to reporting to you when an official decision has been made. We are also working with ranchers and agencies to conduct fence line surveys in this area, to ensure that cows are staying out of the riparian areas and ensuring that beavers thrive.