WMG’s Living Lab is demonstrating what a sustainable water future could look like – for homes and businesses across the West. Instead of depending on imported water, energy, and resources, we are harvesting nature’s abundance and wisely stewarding these resources. And now you have an opportunity to invest in that future, by supporting our Learning Center project.
The Learning Center is a multi-purpose classroom where we can teach and demonstrate hydro-local solutions to people of all ages, from school kids, to family groups, to green professionals and really any community member that is interested.
Thanks to the many donors who have already invested in this project, helping us raise $446,000. You can help us raise the final $78,000 to reach our $525,000 goal to complete the project. Now is a great time to give, and donations of all sizes help us reach our goal. Make a donation here online, or contact WMG’s Executive Director, Lisa Shipek, at Lisa@Watershedmg.org to discuss making a gift.
Learning Center construction started in January, and we’re sharing weekly updates of the green building project on our Youtube channel as well as TikTok and Instagram. Follow-along to learn about passive solar design, harvesting rainwater for indoor use, waterless composting toilets, greywater recycling, and native edible landscaping fed by rainwater.
We look forward to handing many more people a glass of filtered rainwater when they attend a workshop or community event in our Learning Center space—powered by the sun, watered by the rain, and insulated with hemp. Rain or shine, hot or cold, we’ll now have an indoor classroom to host groups with hybrid technology to reach those who can’t be there in person.
Thank you for investing in WMG’s Living Lab and Learning Center and a hydro-local future!