If you've been wanting to learn how to build a rain garden and get a rain garden kit, this is your chance! Sign up for a class this week to learn how to build a water harvesting basin and plant your own rain garden. After you take the class, you can take home your very own complimentary Build Your Own Basin (BYOB) Kit—which includes a native shade tree, wildflowers, shrubs, and organic mulch—to pick up at our Living Lab and Learning Center. At the same time, you'll help spread the positive impacts of rain gardens throughout our community: cleaner and recharged groundwater, cooler homes and sidewalks, reduced flooding, and more!
Virtual Build Your Own Basin Workshop
Tuesday, October 26th @ 5:30p.m. - 7p.m.
In-Person Build Your Own Basin Workshop (Full; sign up for waitlist available)
Saturday, October 30th @ 8a.m. - 9a.m.