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Welcome Center Volunteer at the Living Lab

The Living Lab is a community hub and leading demonstration site of watershed resilience in mid-town Tucson. The Living Lab helps people understand what they can do to live more effectively and more respectfully with water - taking a hydro-local approach. It features active and passive water harvesting, native habitat, food forests, passive solar energy,  monitoring systems and composting toilets in a campus supported entirely by rainwater!

If you enjoy talking to people and want to help us get the word out about the simple things people can do to put hydro-local practices in place at home, we'd love to hear from you. Our welcome center volunteer is the first point of contact for visitors to the Living Lab demonstration site and helping visitors understand all that happens here.  They welcome visitors, answer the phone, introduce visitors to our work, suggest resources for further information, and look after our small retail shop.

The Welcome Center position would be 10-12 hours per week during WMG’s business hours, 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday.