Home > Video > WMG in Burkina Faso - Gabions for Watershed Restoration

WMG in Burkina Faso - Gabions for Watershed Restoration


WMG partners with several communities in Burkina Faso, West Africa. This video highlights some of work there using gabions - a simple practice used to prevent erosion and capture water off the landscape. In 2012 we hosted a workshop to train farmers how to manufacture gabion baskets so that they could restore their watershed and generate income by selling the gabion baskets to other local farmers.
For more information visit watershedmg.org
Film by Jared Buono
Music: Don't Close Your Eyes by Josh Woodward courtesy of RoyaltyFreeMusicLibrary.com


"Don't Close Your Eyes" by Josh Woodward (Google Play • iTunes • AmazonMP3)