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Green Infrastructure

Be the envy of your neighborhood with a lush and shady streetside rain garden.

Do you live on a sun-baked street with little shade and no appeal? We can help you transform the street in front of your home into a shady, inviting lane. Curb cuts or curb cores combined with basins can capture stormwater flowing by to irrigate shade trees and native pollinator plants. Our project managers are experienced in directing excavation, navigating utilities, and managing the permitting process to transform that under-utilized barren strip into a lush native garden to create an inviting walkway and pleasing approach to your home.

Green Infrastructure can be easily integrated with front yard Rain Gardens, and plantings can be complementary to your Urban Orchard or Sonoran Food Forest, to extend your complete landscape transformation into the right of way.

Begin your landscape transformation today. Request our design and project manager services here.Learn more about the benefits and how to implement green infrastructure.

Green infrastructure, also called low-impact development, refers to constructed features that use living, natural systems to provide environmental services, such as capturing, cleaning and infiltrating stormwater; creating wildlife habitat; shading and cooling streets and buildings; and calming traffic.