From peaches to poo... and back again! This first-of-its-kind book teaches children about composting toilets and the nutrient cycle. Poo to Peaches also includes technical information pages for adults with details on composting toilet use and maintenance. Written by WMG staff and volunteers, this book was funded through a Kickstarter campaign supported by over 150 backers from around the world.
Poo to Peaches Children's Book
Site‐built Composting Toilet Pilot Report
Watershed Management Group (WMG) led the 2‐year Composting Toilet Research Action Project as part of an EPA Environmental Education Grant focused on developing desert soil stewardship. The goal of the Desert Soil Stewardship program was to teach urban gardeners and neighborhood activists critical thinking and stewardship practices regarding soil management to address the environmental issues of loss of soil nutrients, food security, waste reduction, and water conservation.
The Social Aspect of Using Composting Toilets
Overcoming social barriers to using composting toilets.
It's in Your Hands
Diarrheal and respiratory infections kill over 3.5 million children under the age of five every year. Hand washing with soap is the most effective and an inexpensive way to prevent these deaths. It can save the lives of 1.2 million children every year.
The Singing Tippy Tap! is a partnership between WMG ( and Grampari (
How to Build a Composting Toilet Barrel System
Learn how to build a composting toilet system. The system is based on a 55-gal barrel system developed by David Omick, You can purchase a 2-barrel and 3-barrel kit from WMG!
WMG Founders' Field Blog - India #1
Watershed Management Group's founders re-unite in India. This is the first video report of several to come highlighting WMG India staff, programs, and how they take action.
WMG Founders' Field Blog - India #2
Jared Buono, WMG India Country Director, explains about aquifer and well recharge by touring an ancient Hindu cave temple on Elephanta Island and then taking us to the Grampari Training Center high up in Panchgani.
WMG Founders' Field Blog #5 - India: Hand Washing and Tippy Taps!
Watershed Management Group and our partner Grampari lead hand-washing sessions in rural primary schools to combat childhood diseases and improve general health.