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Scaling Watershed Solutions

Infraestructura Verde para Communidades del Desierto Sonorense

En colaboración con la ciudad de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México estamos orgullosos de ofrecer en español el manual de Infraestructura Verde para Comunidades del Desierto Sonorense! Esta nueva versión incluye información e imágenes específicas para Baja California Sur.

In collaboration with Ciudad La Paz, Mexico, we're proud to offer our Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods manual in Spanish! This new version includes information and images specific to Baja California.

Solving Flooding Challenges with Green Stormwater Infrastructure in the Airport Wash Area

This report shows the results of an extensive study for the City of Tucson Ward 1 office in collaboration with the Pima County Regional Flood Control District to mitigate flooding with Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) or rain gardens. This report contains:

A summary of GSI opportunity identification
Flood mitigation modeling results
Green and grey infrastructure analysis
Cost benefit analysis
Priority project identification
Management and policy implications


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