Watershed Management Group is a Tucson-based grassroots organization promoting a sustainable environment in and around Tucson and the Northern Sonora. As sustainability begins with a sustainable water supply, a primary objective if WMG is to restore perennial flow in our rivers and creeks without drawing on the Colorado River by collecting precipitation more efficiently and by decreasing per-person water use to 40 gallons per day from the 120 gallons per day it is now.
With respect to the latter, WMG provides classes at its Living Lab campus and consulting services on how to minimize water use in home and business.
On Tuesday, November 29 (Giving Tuesday) WMG launches its most ambitious project to date, the River Run Network, with the purpose of connecting people sharing a specific watershed and educate them on current flow patterns and ways to control dissipation.
The launch party, titled ‘Rainwater on Tap: A Rain-to-Table Happy Hour‘, will be from 5 – 8 p.m. at the WMG campus on Speedway & Dodge, featuring snacks and beverages made with potable rainwater by local companies.
The Weekly Green spoke with Aaron Baumann, WMG Development Associate.