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Ferro-cement Cistern Construction Training

WMG's Ferro-cement Cistern Construction Technical Training provides you with skills in design and construction techniques for ferro-cement rainwater cisterns.
Course description

Ferro-cement—a combination of ferrous (iron) and cement—is a durable, rainwater cistern construction technique applicable worldwide. This course combines in-class sessions and a hands-on construction workshop to give you an overview of the use and function of ferro-cement cisterns around the world and a detailed understanding of design and construction techniques.

Course curriculum
  • Ferro-cement rainwater tank construction techniques
  • Ferro-cement adaptability world-wide and case-studies
  • Review of design calculations (runoff and demand)
  • Safety and risks
  • Plumbing best practices
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting
Course texts

Students will be provided with course handouts. Prior review of Water Storage by Art Ludwig is recommended.


Fee information varies by training and will be included in event listings.

  • The cost includes gourmet snacks and lunch made with locally sourced produce and a Certificate of Completion for full course attendance (upon request).
  • Alumni of the WMG's Water Harvesting Certification or other Technical Trainings receive a discount on the registration costs.
Expert instructor

WMG expert staff and/or contracted instructors will be confirmed prior to listing an upcoming course.


For more information about this course or other Technical Trainings, please email us or call 520-396-3266.

This training is a part of WMG's Watershed Technical Trainings program, which provides advanced trainings in green infrastructure, water harvesting, eco-sanitation, and watershed restoration. WMG's goal is to transfer this advanced technical knowledge to residents, professionals, educators, and community activists who will integrate these practices into their work and teach others.