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Arroyo Restoration and Erosion Control Training

WMG's Arroyo Restoration and Erosion Control Technical Training provides you with the knowledge and skills to assess, protect, and repair urban washes and erosion control features.
Course description

Through WMG's course in Arroyo Restoration and Erosion Control, you will gain an understanding of how to assess landscape forms and processes, as well as design small-scale restoration features. The course also includes hands-on implementation of those features, with an emphasis on arroyo (gully) restoration and upland landscape erosion practices.

You will gain the skills needed to read the landscape from a water flow perspective and begin to identify a variety of techniques for altering existing infrastructure to restore natural processes. Impervious surfaces, such as roofs, parking lots, and streets increase surface runoff in the suburban/urban built environment. By studying site details, natural processes, and water-harvesting principles, we can restore balance to our degraded arroyos and landscapes, creating multiple benefits for people and the environment. This course is designed for landowners, landscape professionals, land managers, practitioners, and others interested in improving landscape productivity.

Course Curriculum
  • Introduction to gully and upland restoration issues and opportunities (classroom)
  • Project development and channel permitting (classroom)
  • Assessing the landscape (field)
  • Design and planning arroyo and upland restoration practices (field)
  • Hands-on arroyo and upland restoration practices installation (field)
Expert instructor

WMG expert staff and/or contracted instructors will be confirmed prior to listing upcoming courses. 


Fee information varies by training and will be included in event listings.

  • The cost includes snacks and lunch made with locally sourced produce and a Certificate of Completion for full course attendance (upon request).
  • Current college/university students and alumni of the WMG's Water Harvesting Certification or other Technical Trainings receive a discount on the registration costs.
  • Registration discounts are available to AzASLA members and CFMs.

For more information about this course or other Technical Trainings, please email us or call 520-396-3266.

This training is a part of WMG's Watershed Technical Trainings program, which provides advanced trainings in green infrastructure, water harvesting, eco-sanitation, and watershed restoration. WMG's goal is to transfer this advanced technical knowledge to residents, professionals, educators, and community activists who will integrate these practices into their work and teach others.