Home > June Slow Down: Summer Siesta at the Living Lab

June Slow Down: Summer Siesta at the Living Lab


June Slow Down: Summer Siesta at the Living Lab

In June, the Living Lab & Learning Center will be mostly closed as we take a well-deserved summer siesta. While we’ll have fewer classes and limited access during this month, it's the perfect time for us to recharge and prepare for an exciting lineup of events starting in July.

What to Expect:

  • Limited Access: The Living Lab will have reduced hours, so please check our schedule before planning a visit.

  • Fewer Classes: We'll be offering a minimal number of classes and workshops this month.

  • Essential Rebate Classes: We will continue to offer the crucial educational sessions required to receive Tucson Water's rebates for residential rainwater harvesting and greywater systems.
    These classes are available both virtually and in-person.

Upcoming Rebate Classes:

  • Virtual Greywater Harvesting Class: Thurs, June 6

  • Rainwater Harvesting Class: Tues, June 11

  • Laundry to Landscape (L2L) Greywater Class: Tues, June 18

  • Virtual Rainwater Harvesting Class: Thurs, June 20

Let us help you get the most out of the rebates available from Tucson Water! Watershed Management Group offers the free educational session required to receive Tucson Water's rebates for residential rainwater harvesting and greywater systems. We now offer these classes virtually and in-person. Check out our upcoming virtual and in-person classes on our event page.

Looking Ahead to July:

  • "How Low Can You Go": Saturday, July 6

  • Living Lab & Learning Center Tour: Saturday, July 13

  • Family Saturday - "Monsoon Night": Saturday, July 20

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you back to the Living Lab & Learning Center refreshed and ready for a summer of fun and learning.

See all events here



Keep up to date with all of our events and opportunities
by signing up for the Tucson Action Bulletin!


For more information and to stay updated on our schedule,
please contact us at  info@watershedmg.org  or call  520-396-3266.



living lab Learning Center june slow down